The City of Reno of proclaimed May 1st, 2019 to be “GOLDEN TAMPON DAY”.
Hi! My name is Shanda Golden in 2017 I founded #goldentampon a feminine hygiene product drive for homeless women in my community. My mission is to help our sisters in transition regain their dignity. Please consider donating to #goldentampon.
Thank you & God Bless!
2023 No Drive-Donations received & distributed.
2022 No Drive-Donations received & distributed.
Donated 2021 products to the following agencies:
Domestic Violence Resource Center
Sierra Associates of Foster Families
2021 over 3,500 boxes of tampons & pads collected
2020 No Drive-Donations received & distributed.
2019 over 4,500 boxes of tampons & pads collected
2018 over 2,500 boxes of tampons & pads collected
2017 over 1,200 boxes of tampons & pads collected
#goldentampon is always accepting tampons at Bizarre Guitar, Reno NV.
Our next tampon drive will May 1, 2024.
For your convenience tampons & feminine hygiene products can be ordered thru Amazon and shipped directly to Bizarre Guitar
I believe that every woman deserves to have her dignity. As our sisters are in transition my goal is to see they have the proper hygiene products for their menstrual cycle.